What's Happening?
Special Events
Our Christmas Tea has become an Epiphany Tea this year!
Please join us January, 5th from 3-5PM.
More details to come.
Winter Solstice at Norman Bird Sanctuary with Rev. Anne and NBS staff.
Wednesday, December 18th at 3:30PM. Free!
December 24th - Pageant at 5PM and Holy Eucharist 9PM
Réveillon after the 9PM service in the parish hall.
Office closed: December 25th – January 1st. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 29th – ONE service at 10AM Lessons and Carols.
Weekly & Monthly Events
In the Parish
St. Columba’s regular events are now being held both virtually and in-person.
Sunday Coffee Hour
What did you think of the sermon? What's new with you? Who've you heard from? We hold a simple coffee hour after each service: a chance for parishioners to connect and for newcomers to get to know us.
Please join us!
Bible Study
Join us weekly for Bible Study! We use the Gospel reading from the Lectionary and practice the African Bible Study Method.
Wednesdays, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
in the Parish Hall
Education for Ministry
Tuesdays, at 6:30 p.m.
in the Parish Hall.
Choir Practice
Thursday, at 6:00 p.m.
in the Chapel